Chaos Magic

He had started calling himself Zeus the God of Thunder. It reminded him how he became a mage of Chaos– by invoking the lightning. With his ability, Zeus had quickly risen amongst the ranks of Chaos Mages.

But something didn’t feel right to him– he fought himself straining hard, his mind spread thin. What is going on? he thought, creating a crackle of lightning between his fingers. He hadn’t aged a day, but yet he felt old and amnesiac– he couldn’t remember who he was. He looked outside of his window, his room was at the very top of the Tower, and the setting sun left him breath taken. He remembered the time when the sun was yellow.

Chaos will eat you. he heard a distant voice, Chaos will eat your world. Zeus felt a tug as he started towards the sound.

What is happening? he cackled some lightning between his fingers. Am I going insane? he thought.

Stop Chaos. the voice called to him, You must ignite the engines again.

What engines? Zeus thought, following the voice into a small broom cupboard. He opened the door and was greeted by brooms falling and rattling. He sighed, I’m going crazy. he was about to close the door when he found an old leather scroll

Zeus tucked the tome under his arms and went to his chambers. The sun had set, and he lit a candle by throwing a lightning bolt towards the wick. He placed the scroll on his desk and fetched himself a glass of wine. Chaos will eat you. he heard the indistinct voice again.

Sighing, Zeus opened the book. The leather was thin and frail, and the ink was fading. He carefully undid the scroll, and he understood the writing. Maybe another Chaos power? he had never seen the script in his life before, and yet he knew exactly what was written.

“It would be billions of years when you’d be reading this document, and our Civilization would long be gone. Laws of Physics is a defense system to keep him away from the universe. The last time when He took control, He wiped everything we loved.

“Chaos is his bribe. He lures the civilizations to engage in Chaos, feeding on the madness that follows afterward. He who has no name to consume every life form till there’s no one left.

“At first, Chaos would feel beautiful, liberating, and equalizing. But it is not– powerful will start oppressing the weak. Vengeful will murder in cold blood. Chaos will consume the good in sentient life forms and drive them mad.

“You, who have found this book, do not dabble in Chaos, and you’ll find clarity returning. You must stop Him from gaining control of the universe. You, who is the Chosen One, must reignite the engines that fuel Laws of Physics, for, without them, you can not defeat Him.

“We give you our greatest weapon, the Library of Ur. There, you find a trove of knowledge that will make you strong enough to battle Him.”

Zeus saw the numbers scribbled in weak, shaking hands, Coordinates? he emptied the wine and decided he had to travel.