Fredric and Marge


Fredric walked into the throne room with his sword hanging behind his back, Why am I being called? he yawned as he pushed the doors wide open.

“Good Morning Sir Fredric.” A pleasant voice greeted him into the throne room. He looked around to find ten sets of eyes following his every step– the lords and minister of the Kingdom had gathered in the throne room. Something big is about to happen.

“Good Morning,” he greeted and eyed an unoccupied spot next to a large window. As he waited for the court to get in session, he watched other knights enter the throne room looking fresh and ready for a battle. Is that Sir Lancelot? he saw a tall man with trimmed hair walk in with a six and a half feet sword.

“Good Morning Sir Lancelot,” everyone in the throne room greeted the revered man with a smile. It pays to be the bravest Knight in the Kingdom. he observed Lancelot’s polished armor and fresh linen.

A few moments later someone announced, “King of Severos, Protector of the Realm of Men,” the voice thundered in the throne room, “His Holy Majesty, King Richard is in the room.”

Everyone in the throne room bent their knees and waited. The King’s boots hammered against the floor and a moment later a commanding voice ordered, “Rise.”

Fredric leaned against the wall and found himself lost in his ideas of forging swords. If we can find a way to make steel hold its edge for a long time and reduce the weight of the material itself, we can create a sword sharper than ever.

“This man,” A lordly voice echoed in the chamber, “has stolen from my farm. He also harbored Cinqos spies who wanted to assassinate His Holy Majesty.” What the fuck? Fredric saw an old, withered man too weak to carry his weight.

His Holy Majesty listened to the whispers of his advisors carefully and nodded, “The man has committed treason,” the King said, “according to the law written by King Warwick, this man is to be beheaded.”

Why are you clapping? Fredric looked around with raised eyebrows.

“Sir Fredric,” somebody called his name, “Please come forward.”

Fredric swallowed and gave his armor and linen a final pat before he went to the center. He took a calming deep breath and took the knee and waited for the King’s orders.

“Rise. Sir Fredric,” King Warwick addressed him, “I’ve heard only great things about you. I want you to do punish this man for treason.”

Fredric swallowed and looked to his sides where the old man stood, stooped and trembling. He wanted to cry for help but he was too weak to speak in his defense. The old man slowly turned to face Fredric and a shiver ran up Fredric’s spine, I cannot kill this man. he wanted to call out but instead he unsheathed his sword.

A couple of guards walked into the center and pushed the old man to his knees and waited. Fredric raised his sword and swallowed, “I cannot kill this man.” he said softly.

“What?” the King said with irritation.

“This man is too old to steal anything. He can barely carry his weight, I don’t think he’s capable of stealing from Lord Richard.”

Fredric sheathed his sword back and turned to face the angry King, “You dare defy my orders foolish knight.”

“Your Holy Majesty,” Fredric jumped in for his defense, “I don’t mean to defy your orders. I’m only trying to protect you from wrongdoing.”

“Sir Fredric,” Lord Richard spoke, “Are you implying that I’m lying?”

“Your Holy Majesty,” Sir Lancelot spoke up before anyone can pile on the accusations, “I think Sir Fredric should be exiled from Severos.”

Warwick leaned back for his advisors to whisper and nodded angrily, “Okay,” his voice had a sharp edge, “You are exiled.” take this man out.

On his way out he looked at Sir Lancelot who mouthed something, “They’d have killed you.”


Margaret winced when Yasmin applied ointment, “He beat you bloody today.”

Margaret was too tired to give a nod so she simply grunted. I’m in a living hell. she thought. Outside her cage, the moon glowed against a scattered veil of clouds. It had been only a month since she was purchased at a local market but it felt like an eternity to her.

“Here.” Yasmin offered a glass of water she had filled during the rain. Margaret was parched and she quickly took the glass from her and emptied it in a single gulp, “It’ll eventually get better.” Yasmin consoled her, “He’ll eventually get bored of you and put you up for something else.”

Margaret tried to push the face of her Master out of her head, “I don’t think he’s ever going to get tired of me.” she wanted to say but her throat hurt. He had kept without a single drop of water to quench her thirst.

The night grew cold and slowly she heard everyone in the cage snore softly. Margaret wanted to sleep but she was too afraid to close her eyes and remind herself of the atrocities her Master did. I own you. she found it difficult to drown the constant echoing of his voice.

Fuck. she thought, I was a Lady and now… her chain of thought was broken by the howling of a wolf somewhere deep in the forest. Across the field, she saw the Castle lit up in a faint yellow glow and saw her Master pacing his bed-chamber. A twig cracked behind her and she jumped at the sound banging her head against the steel cage.

“Who is it?” she called. Others in the cage shuffled from the disturbance but were too tired to wake up.

A hooded figure approached, “I’m here to help you.” she heard keys jiggle.

“Reveal yourself,” Margaret said her voice was too weak. The man pushed the hood off and revealed a homely face. It was the servant who followed her Master, “Stephan?”

“Yes.” he unlocked the cage door and allowed Margaret to get out before locking the door again, “I’ve been in love with you ever since I saw you in the market. But my Master wanted you… I’m sorry you had to suffer.”

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

“Here.” he offered him a pouch, “For all the trouble you went through, It is not much, but it’ll get you far enough from this monster’s clutches.” Margaret peeped inside the pouch and found a few coins. She leaned forward and gave Stephan and kiss before dashing into the forest.


Fredric looked at his linen and sighed. After traveling for days at a stretch his clothes were mud-crusted. He couldn’t wait to get into a bath and clean himself. How many years? he thought as he continued to walk on the highway, 11 years on road. he sighed and shook his head in disbelief.

Hey, he thought, do you hear that? he talked to his imaginary friend. Being alone for 11 years took a toll and he had to invent friends to cope up with loneliness.

He heard people chattering at a distance. He could feel excitement build in his heart as he continued to walk towards the sound of laughing humans, Finally, I’ll see another human after a month. The last village had kicked him out for stealing a few eggs in the market but they were unaware of the gold that he tucked in his underpants.

“I’m going to enjoy myself here,” he said to himself and his imaginary friend.

The market was bustling with merchants and people willing to give a coin for the items they sold. Fredric wandered around the market to find something to eat. He had been eating charred meat for a month now. I deserve spiced curries. he found a hawker with a cart selling broth and bread.

“How much for this?” he haggled with the merchant till he got the price he wanted to pay for a bowl of broth and a slice of bread.

After satiating his hunger he found a brothel inconspicuously sequestered between two large buildings. The brothel was dimly lit and he could smell an assortment of fragrances in the air. Lilacs, gooseberries, honeysuckle, and citrus. But the smell of tobacco stood out.

Smiling, he approached a slender woman with blue eyes and dark hair. He checked the woman out before grabbing her by the wrist and taking her into a small room, “What is your name?” he asked the woman as he peeled her clothes off.

“Monique.” the blue-eyed woman said.

“Your real name.” he kissed her breasts and while he waited for her answer.


“Lady Margaret,” he bowed low, “I’m Sir Fredric of Severos.” he took her hand and kissed it.

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” Margaret giggled as the two continued to entangle themselves.

“What was that?” Fredric woke up with a jolt to the sound of people crying. Margaret got off the bed and together they went to the window.

“It’s punishment time.” Margaret said puffing a cloud of smoke, “Every criminal is beheaded on the eighth of every month.”

The inquisitor approached in a caravan, guarded by local soldiers, and was trailed by two old men dragged through the street. Fredric lit the smoking pipe himself and watched the inquisitor read their crimes.

“On 17th of the 4th month, these two men were found in the granary. In these trying times, these two men stole sacks of food and smuggled it out of the village for profit. When they were discovered they lied to the local police and tried to escape. As the sitting inquisitor of the village, I found these two men guilty of breaking, smuggling, and attacking the local law enforcement.

“As such according to the laws of Quatros and by the power vested in me by the Emperor, these men are to be punished by breaking wheel.”

Margaret sighed, “It is all a lie, you know.” she shook her head, “I know everyone in this village. Those two men are too old and too weak to carry themselves. I don’t think they are capable of stealing. It is the inquisitor who is stealing from the granary and when the Emperor’s men came down here he blamed those two innocent. I wish I had to strength to right the wrong. But I’m just a whore.”

“You know Lady Margaret,” Fredric said wrapping his hand around his sword and jumping out of the window, “I think I’m going to help you right the wrong.” he flung the smoking pipe to the ground.

“What are you doing here?” the inquisitor asked with a raised eyebrow, “Throw this man…” before he could complete a sentence Fredric swung his sword in a near-perfect circle throwing the inquisitor’s head to the grow.

“He’s the one who stole from the granary and blamed these innocent men.” Fredric shouldered his sword, “If anyone lays a hand on these two, I’ll chop their hands off.”

“We know they are innocent.” someone said from the crowd, “Thank you.” Fredric smiled and walked back towards Margaret who was clapping her hands together.

“Bravo.” she praised him, “Sir Fredric of Severos, bravo.”

“My lady.” he bowed low and then kissed her through the window.