Under the Violet Moon - Part 3a

Is that… Me? Luthor thought to himself as he walked through the gigantic throne room. He looked around him and saw men wearing traditional white and red robes of Gaynamede and women wearing a dress of red and yellow. At the other end, he saw a figure move across the throne room and climb the platform. That cannot be me. I’m standing right here. he thought.

The High Priestess of Lunos began to sing a prayer to praise the Lord and the throne room fell silent. Luthor cut through the silent crowd and moved towards the throne. What is going on? he asked himself, he saw himself standing tall on the platform with his head bowed low. The High Priestess finished her prayer and turned to face a tall, proud version of himself.

“Open the window,” The High Priestess ordered and someone kicked the window open and allowed strange, violet light to filter in, “Luthor, King of Gaynamede, do you in the presence of our Lord’s true and terrible form, swear to rule all of Riara with righteousness?”

“Yes.” his voice thundered throughout the room. He saw himself kneeling at High Priestess’ feet, the strange violet light shone on his face.

“Do you, Luthor, the Protector Gaynamede, swear to protect all men, women, and children of Riara against all the threats?”

“Yes.” his voice rose like a thunderclap.

“Do you, Luthor, the Conqueror of Riara, swear to lay your life in service of the Church of Lunos and the Laws of Riara?”


The High Priestess turned around and dipped her finger in a violet liquid and bent a little to draw a crescent moon on his temple and carefully placed a plain black gold crown on his head, “Rise, Luthor Violet King of Gaynamede, Emperor of Riara, Protector of the Realm.”

Luthor saw himself rise and pull a terrible sword– that he didn’t recognize– from its scabbard. The crowd in the throne room knelt before him and he gracefully took his seat as the Emperor of all of Riara. Is this a vision into the future? Luthor asked himself as he watched himself a seat on a majestic throne.

He found himself in his bed-chamber again, his wife, Lyra snored gently next to him. The moonlight lit his bed-chamber in a silver halo. Luthor got off his bed and walked up to the window, Violet Moon? he looked up in the sky, That Violet Sword… I’ve never seen that sword before.

Violet Moon… he spoke to himself, is the key to rule all of Riara!

Tamsius looked around him, almost out of breath and soaked in the stench of dried blood. His lips curled up in a devious smile, Finally. he thought, extremely pleased with himself, Gaynamede is mine. he poked his sword, a long, broad sword into the walls of Gaynamede. His army of undead rampaged through the lower Gaynamede and his human soldiers murdered, raped, and looted the nobility of Upper Gaynamede.

“Emperor,” a surreal voice called him, “We’ve captured King Luthor.” Tamsius turned to find one of his undead messengers who bowed low. Tamsius smiled and grabbed the long, broad sword, Hang on… he thought, This isn’t mine? He looked at the violet blade and found a crescent moon carved at the base. He shrugged and followed the messenger down the Gaynamede walls.

“Violet Emperor,” the Necromancer said in a raspy voice from a hooded robe, “I present to you, King Luthor of Gaynamede.” he signaled with his gloved hand and an undead dragged King Luthor towards Tamsius.

“Tamsius,” Luthor begged, “Please have mercy.”

“I’m the Violet Emperor,” Tamsius said and raised the violet blade up and severing Luthor’s head in one smooth strong, “I’m the Emperor of Riara.” He looked up and basked in the violet hue of the Moon.

The necromancer walked up to him, his fingers dripping a violet liquid, and drew a crescent moon on his forehead, “Violet Emperor of Riara, King of Undead, Lord Tamsius of Eos.”

When Tamsius woke he found himself alone in his bed-chamber, Violet Emperor of Riara, he allowed the silver moonlight to illuminate his nondescript room. Lord Ermfus– the god of Death– has sent me this vision. It has to be him. Violet is the Color of Death. Violet Moon, is the key to defeating Gaynamede.

“Mesica,” a soft voice echoed in her mind. Who is that? the High Priestess of Lunos thought, “Mesica.” the voice called her, pulled on her. She started towards the voice. She looked up and saw a Violet Crescent shaped moon hanging, It looks… she thought trying to find the right word, Divine.

“Mesica,” the gentle, caring voice called again, “My child.”

Confused, the High Priestess followed the eerie voice. In the distance, she recognized the spire of the Church of Gaynamede but the city around it had disappeared., What is going on?

“You’ll find out soon, child.” the voice answered her question. The High Priestess felt a serene calm sweep her as she continued to walk towards the soothing voice. The Church grew larger and the beige walls glowed under the violet light of the moon, Violet Moon. The High Priestess thought. While studying to become the High Priestess of the Church of Lunos, she had read about it. When the dead walk again and the Moon turns Violet, Lord Lunos the creator of Riara will wake from his sleep and cleanse Riara from all evil.

“Lord Lunos,” the High Priestess called. She fell to her knees and drew a crescent shape in the sky with her fingers.

“Mesica,” the voice called, “My Child. It took you long enough.”

“I apologize Divine Father,” the High Priestess begged for forgiveness. She closed her eyes and folded her hands together. A heartbeat later she heard a terrible crack as if the heaven above had split into two. The earth trembled underneath her as if being crushed by a massive rock. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a gigantic silhouette in the soft violet glow. The figure approached her, shaking the ground underneath with each step.

“Mesica,” the voice was now thunderous yet soothing, “My Child.” the figure called.

“Lord Lunos?”

“Yes, child.” Lord Lunos in his gargantuan form smiled and Mesica– the High Priestess of the Church of Lunos felt her heart fill up with joy.

The High Priestess woke up in her circular bed. The familiar, silver moon was visible from her moon window in the roof, The Dead walks again… she thought lying motionless in her bed, The Moon shall turn violet and Lord Lunos the most beautiful will herald a new age of eternal bliss.