Under the Violet Moon - Part 4b

Tamisus stared at a picture of a beautiful woman smiling, the painter did capture the twinkle in her eyes. he thought running a hand gently over the painting. Tamisus never understood why she had to die in her prime. She was the most beautiful, gentlest person he had ever met and she died, If Lunos existed, if he had created this world, he wouldn’t have called such a caring person to him.

Someone knocked at the door and Tamisus turned stiffly to face the door, “Yes,” he said in his deep, commanding voice.

“Your Majesty,” the guard said looking at his feet, “The Necromancer is waiting for you.”

“Hmm,” Tamisus grunted and dismissed the guard. He gave his wife’s painting one more look before he placed a crown of ivory over his head and strode out of his room. I’ll conquer this world for you, Ierai, I’ll make this world what you wanted it to be. One people. One Kingdom. Prosperous and Peaceful.

The Palace of Eos was a work of art. Intricately carved pillars, paintings narrating the story of Eos on the walls, Kings, and Queens looking down at the passerby from the lofty ceiling. Ierai. he thought for a moment when he passed under her smiling face. He took a turn and walked through an archway into a large throne room.

“Sigmor.” Tamisus greeted the Necromancer.

“Lord Tamisus,” the man went to his knees his grey robes were soiled and covered in blood and Tamisus raised an eyebrow.

“Sigmor,” Tamisus said strolling to the throne, “What happened?” he pointed at his robes.

“Oh,” the Necromancer looked down at his robes, “Working with a pretty old corpse. Your Majesty, you wanted to see me?”

“Yes Sigmor,” Tamisus said drinking from a cup that a servant had silently filled, “I’ve received reports, Gaynamede, our common enemy, is on the move. They’ve recently made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aero in the North and have captured Silvian territory. They’ve mobilized infantry along the Eos-Gaynamede border.

“This is not good, Sigmor. They are trying to lay siege on Eos. Unlike Gaynamede, Eos is not built to endure a long siege. we’ll need to be prepared.”

“What do you recommend?”

“The Vision, Sigmor!” Tamisus said, “The Violet Moon… The army of undead.”

“The Moon cannot be cast Violet Lord Tamisus,” Sigmor warned, “I’ve read every book, it cannot be done.”

“Hmm.” Tamisus thought for a moment, “The Violet Blade?”

“That.” Sigmor said slowly, “Can be arranged.”


“I’ve read a book when I was a Mage of the Church of Gaynamede, Violet Blades can be forged and they have to power to burn someone’s soul.” Sigmor paused for effect, “A person killed by Violet Blades can exist no more. I can forge a Violet Blade for you Lord Tamisus… But… Ummm.. I’ll need resources.”


“Violet Blade is made with Forbidden magic… Blood Magic… I’ll need your blood.”

“Sure.” Tamisus said, “One other thing,” he placed the cup back on a tray that a servant had carried, wiped his face with a small cloth, and turned around to face the Necromancer, “I want to raise an army of Undead.”

“You already have an army of Undead. We’ve raised every corpse we could find within Eos cemeteries.”

“IT. IS. NOT. ENOUGH.” Tamisus said slowly, his words carrying a weight that could crush Necromancer’s bones, “I want an army so huge that all of Riara will tremble when it marches. I want an army so massive that the walls of Gaynamede will crumble just under its weight.”

“For that, we’ll need a million corpses.” Sigmor raised an eyebrow, “We don’t have a million corpses in Eos Cemetary– Eos have a weird tradition of cremating the dead.”

Tamisus smiled, One People. One Kingdom. “Corpses can be made.”

“Umm.” Sigmor was not sure how to respond.

“Ierai had a dream, she wanted to unite the people under one Kingdom,” Tamisus said with a solemn expression. The loss of his wife had broken something inside him, “I’ve seen the world for what it really is: we humans don’ know how to live in peace and harmony. We always want more out of our lives. We want more money, more land, more food, more sex, more children. We cannot live without thinking about things we don’t have or things someone else has.

“Sigmor, the only way to unite people is to have only one culture prevail have only one race live on. Eos has the largest population in all of Riara most of them immigrants. We’ll kill them all. We’ll kill anyone who’s not a pureblood Eosite.”

“Lord Tamisus,” Sigmor nodded, “you give me corpses and I’ll raise an army for you.”

“No,” the High Priestess raised her voice, “Violet Moon is Herald of Lord Lunos.” She threw the book Alera had carried with her into the Office of High Priestess.

“But…” Alera found herself at a loss of words, “but… The book…” Alera gathered the pages of the book. She had thought showing the High Priestess would be enough to stop her plans, How naive… How naive I’ve been. she looked at High Priestess and found a cold, piercing gaze staring back at her. Alera swallowed uncomfortably, “High Priestess, please see the truth. I’ve seen it myself… I had a vision about Violet Moon and unlike you, I saw death and destruction. The world crumbled like a tower of cards.”

High Priestess flared her nose, “You dare challenge me?” she got to her feet, “You are going to stop the plans to bring our beloved God back? Alera, I’ve had enough of you… If you put another toe out of line, I’ll have you excommunicated from the Church of Lunos.”

Alera’s eyes widened and she turned pale. Everything she was and everything she did was because of her position as the priestess of the Church of Lunos. If she got excommunicated, she’ll lose her life’s purpose… She’ll lose herself. Alera swallowed her pride, You are an idiot. “I’m sorry High Priestess.”

“Go away.” High Priestess turned on her heels and disappeared behind a back door.

Alera’s shoulders stumped and with a heavy heart, she made her way back to Lower Gaynamede. Lower Gaynamede, unlike the Upper, had expanded at random this had led to a mazelike, snaking roads that always worked to confuse anyone who was not attentive where they were going. Alera had known the city by heart and she never got lost even when she wasn’t paying attention, What am I going to do? she thought to herself as she closed the office doors behind her.

The Church has begun training the mages… Luthor supports this crazy, half-baked plan… Alera paced her study, There’s no way I can stop this madness. There’s no way I can protect myself… Alera upended the table. She didn’t know she had the strength to move an oakwood table.

“Are you alright Priestess?” Finnius opened the door. He looked around the office and yelped with shock. Alera came to her senses and saw she had destroyed nearly have her office. the glass shattered, pages scattered and furniture was broken.

“Yes,” Alera said angrily, “Please go away.”

“Yes,” Finnius bowed and closed the door– giving Alera one last look.

“Millions will die,” Alera screamed, “High Priestess, you arrogant fool.” she didn’t care who was listening from the other side of the door.

Outside the sun had set and silvery moonlight filtered through the broken window pane, “Lord Lunos, I know you don’t exist… But show me a way to protect myself…” a thought crossed her mind and she smiled, “Yes.”

Alera found a piece of empty paper and quickly scribble something, “Finnius,” she called for the only person who’d be present in the Church this late.

The door cracked open and Alera saw Finnius peeping inside nervously, “Priestess,” his voice gave a tremble.

“Finnius,” she sealed the letter, “Run to the Church of Lunos with this letter and give it to High Priestess.”

Finnius pocketed the letter and bowed out of her office.

“Please,” Alera begged to High Priestess’ assistant, “I’ve come to my senses and I want to help High Priestess with her plan.” the assistant narrowed her eyes looking for signs of deceit. Satisfied, she grunted and disappeared behind the backdoor. A few moments later High Priestess appeared wearing a Violet Robe.

“Alera,” the High Priestess flared, “What is it this time?”

“High Priestess,” Alera bowed low, “I’ve come to my senses… I’ve realized the truth and I’ve come here to prove that I support you…”

“I don’t need your support Alera,” the High Priestess looked down at her.

Arrogant. “High Priestess,” Alera begged, “Please hear me out.”

High Priestess thought for some time, staring intently at Alera before she spoke in her slow, powerful voice, “Choose your words carefully, Alera.”

Alera swallowed some air to steel herself, “You are training mages, What if we trained our Priestesses in the Art of War? What if we trained any women willing to serve the Church of Lunos and Kingdom of Gaynamede? What if along with powerful mages Gaynamede had a secret weapon? Fearsome amazons!”

Alera could see High Priestess considering the idea and liking it, I know you are going to agree to this proposal. You are an arrogant, power-hungry fool who cannot look past your own selfish purposes. A few moments later High Priestess grunted, “I’ll take this proposal to Luthor. You are dismissed.”