Into the Void

Ivan made a hard left, the horse almost lost its footing. He looked over his shoulders and found the minions still followed him, Fuck! he thought as he urged the horse, Strider, to go faster.

The minions cackled behind him and hurled a bolt of red lightning towards him, “We are going to kill you this time!” one of the minions said in a shrill voice, “Lady Warcilia wants your head Ivan.”

Ivan dug his heels into the side of the Strider and he nighed dashing faster towards the west, I’m the Chosen One? Ivan sighed, I don’t evan have magical ability. The trees grew closer as he went deeper into the forest. The sun was at it’s zenith and yet the light couldn’t reach them. I should be able to lose them soon. he thought as he looked over his shoulders. The minions were preparing to send another bolt of red lightning towards him and Ivan ducked further.

“For Lady Warcilia,” the minions roared as the shot a powerful, crackling bolt of red lightning towards him. Ivan wheeled the horse around to his right and barely escaped the charge. The trees lit up when the bolt made contact and a massive fire roared, Now. he thought as he turned Strider towards the fire and leapt through the wall– impentrable by the minions. It is weird that they fear fire. Lightning is basically fire.

He galloped through the narrowing trees for sometime before he pulled the reins to slow down Strider. The poor horse lathered and Ivan got off it’s back, sighing. His back hurt and he stretched to loosen the sore muscles. “I’m sorry Strider.” he rubbed his hands on the horse’s head and lead him towards the sound of lapping water.

“Now,” Ivan said jumping into the small stream. The hot water soothed his sore muscles, “All I have to do is find the Guide.” he looked around and found no one and so he continued to talk to his horse, the only companion he knew, “You know Strider, it’s difficult to be the Chosen One, especially when you are powerless. All my friends died trying to protect me from Lady Warcilia… But now, I know what I’ve to do. If I cannot defeat Lady Warcilia, I’ll have to find someone who can. Did you know, Strider, there’s more than one universe? Yes, I know it sounds scary, but at the sametime it isn’t.”

He wiped himself down and patted the only companion, “Let’s go!” he looked around, “Wait here. I’ll go up that tree and see where we need to go.”

From the tallest tree, he could see far. The forest stretched for miles covering every piece of land with a green carpet. Flocks of birds circled patches of the forest, chirpping and returning from a long day. To the west, the sun was making it’s final descent casting the world in a purple hue. Towards the north, Ivan finally saw the lonely mountain barren and devoid of life, It is not that far.

He jumped on the back of Strider and cantered off towards the north. The trees here were tall, thick and covered with creepers and moss. The air was thick, moist and filled with gentle hooting of owls. Circkets chirped, trees grewer wider apart and slowly Ivan could see the ground beneath. “How long have we been riding?” he asked Strider. The sun was again at it’s zenith and was visible through the cracks in the trees.

He reined the horse to a stop, climbed up another tree, “There you are.” the lonely mountain towered a few miles away. Eagles circled the barren mountain and giant hawks screeched from the peak. A broken, deserted temple stood at the top giving off an ominous vibe. Ivan sighed and got on Strider’s back, “We are almost there.” he coaxed the horse into a slow canter.

At the top, he was greeted by a man in a hood, “Ah finally, someone’s here.” the man dropped from a rock that he was resting on. The hooded man offered him a cigarette. Ivan could bet the man was smiling deviously in the shadows of the hood.

“Umm.” Ivan didn’t know what to say or what to do.

“Oh, don’t be shy now!” the hooded man said in a boyish voice, “It is just a cigarette. I’ve wanted to share one with someone for a very long time.”

Ivan took the cigarette from him, “It’s nice to hear voice other than those minions’”

“Ah, yes.” the boy said, “The minions of Lady Warcilia.”


“So what brings you here, Ivan of Grindal.” the boy said smashing the cigarette but into the rock beside him.

“I want to…” Ivan paused, “How do you know my name?”

“You’ve come to the Guide, Ivan.” the boy said, “I know everything, it is the only way I can guide someone.”

“I want to get inside the void.”

“The Void? You don’t want to visit that place. It’s where dead stories go to rot. The graveyard of the multiverse if you will. All you will find is husks of what was. I wouldn’t go there if you don’t want to join those trapped there. Although, I do have directions to it, if you must go there.”

“Yes.” Ivan said, “But I also want to know how to get out.”

“Ah!” the boy said with– Ivan guessed– a smile, “Sure.” the boy pulled out a scroll from thin air and handed it to Ivan, “This scroll contains the way to get inside the void and back out.”

Ivan unrolled the scroll and read it carefully, “This is easy.”

“Yes!” the boy laughed, “Getting in and getting out is easy, the difficult part is what’s inside.” Ivan put the scroll inside his pocket and incanted something in an ancient language, opening a portal into the void, “Good Luck Ivan, for you it’ll feel like a million years, but for me only a second would have passed.” Ivan nodded and entered the Portal.

He returned a second later followed by a tall, thin and very old man. He had silvery hair and beard long enough to be tucked in his belt. When the old man smiled, his eyes twinkled behind the half moon spectacles, “Who is this?” the Guide asked.

“This,” Ivan said pointing at the old man, “Is Albus Dumbledore– the strongest Wizard in all of multiverse.”


“He’ll help me defeat Lady Warcilia, once and for all.”