Goodbye Nemo!

Shiva woke up feeling sore to his bones and yet he felt oddly happy. He looked at his wrists February 30th he smiled, “What is today’s date, Nemo?” he asked the virtual assistant that controlled his apartment.

“Good Morning Shiva,” the AI said in a synthetic voice, “Today is 17th day of 4th month in the year 15472”

“Can you say that in the Gregorian Calendar?”

“February 30th,” Nemo paused, “Do you want to know the year?”

“No! Thank you, Nemo,” Shiva got of his bed with a smile on his face. How many years? he was greeted by towering buildings, sprawling city and flying cars, How many years since I was born? he looked at the sky, Ah, I wish I could see the real sky!

“Hey Nemo,” Shiva asked his only companion, “What is the size of the Human Civilization?” 48 Million years. he thought, 48 million years have passed since I was born.

“Human Civilization currently controls a third of the Galaxy,” Nemo said in her familiar voice. I’ve lost countless lovers. I’ve had to bury all my children. I hope no one else gets the same fate I had.

Shiva looked around and found his coins, bottle caps, and stones he had collected in his lifetime. First it was every city I visited, he thought pouring himself a cup of coffee, Then I visited every country on Earth. Soon, I traveled all the planets in the civilization. he sighed, a big smile had creased his face.

“Do you know Nemo,” Shiva said between sips, “Do is my last day?”

“Last day on Earth?” Nemo asked. Earth, he thought with a smile, It is good to be back, this place use to be my home. 48 million years can change the world significantly, it took me a while to find this exact spot.

“Yes.” Shiva said, “In a way.” How many ways did I try to kill myself? Shiva shook his head recalling his stubborn attempts to die, I stabbed myself, ate the poison, swallowed a grenade. I drowned and I burnt myself and yet I found myself living another day.

“I petitioned the High Emperor,” Shiva said looking out of the window the fake sky always glowed golden in the morning, “To change the calendar a few million years ago.”

“How old are you Shiva?” the virtual assistant had no eyes else she would have figured he was millions of years old. The Modern human had an elongated head, soft bone, and advanced electronic implants.

“Old enough to know the history of our civilization,” Shiva smiled, I should have got the bionic eyes. “My wrist says, I’ll die today– on February 30th– I was able to get February 30th added to the calendar, but it didn’t work.”

“Yes.” Nemo said, “The date you are born is consistent with the calendar of your time. Altering the calendar does not affect it.” Yes took me a while to figure that out.

Shiva finished his coffee and dressed in a shirt and a pair of pants– anachronic today yet fashionable in the time he was born. He smiled, “Nemo,” he said picking a knife he had purchased a long, long time back from the side table, “I’d like to donate everything I’ve had to the Galactic Museum. Can you arrange that?”

“Sure, Shiva.”

Shiva sat on the cushiony chair next to the window, It would have been really good I could see the sun. he sighed, “You’ve been a great companion,” he told the virtual assistant he had purchased, “Goodbye Nemo!”

“Goodbye, Shiva.”

Shiva placed the knife on his chest and slowly pushed it, stabbing his heart, “It had been a long life.” Finally. darkness engulfed him and he went limp on the chair.