The Cave of Magic - Part 3

Kaiser waited for the sun to set. The Dead Sea had scorched to a boiling temperature. I cannot possibly cross this. he thought to himself as he readied his backpack.

After years of struggling to get into Mage’s Consortium of Yerden, Kaiser had decided he’ll become a mage without the Tower of Stredus’ help. He wandered Erdenia from Apus Sea in the west to Tranquil Mountains in the east.

He visited every hamlet, every village in all of Erdenia only to be disappointed, “You are of low birth, Imp” the Governor of the Tower had laughed, “You need noble blood to become a mage. “

Kaiser had known, it was all a lie, How can they say a noble’s blood is different from mine?

“Yes, it is a lie.” An old mage told him over a glass of whiskey, “I’ve lived long enough to realize the Tower is duplicitous. They’ve twisted and manipulated every Lord, Statesman, every Alderman to keep control over magic.”

“Can you teach me how to become a Mage?”

“Kid,” the old mage said, “It is not something that can be taught. Mages are made.”

“Can you make me one?”

“No,” the old man coughed, “But I can show you the way. At the center of the Dead Sea is a cave, it is the source of all magic. At the initiation, the Consortium of Yerden gathers in the Tower of Stredus and revels in a drink brewed in the darkness of that cave.

“Upon drinking,” Old man took a sip of his dry whiskey, “You become a Mage.”

The sun had reached the horizon and Kaiser hurled his backpack on his shoulders and walked towards the center of the Dead Sea. Travelling Erdenia for years had calloused his feet but the boiling temperature of the Dead Sea sand scorched his soles.

Wincing, Kaiser checked for his water stash a third time, “Don’t forget to carry lots of water.” the old mage had warned. Kaiser continued towards the center without looking back. I’m going to return and be the greatest mage of Erdenia.

Kaiser drank the final dredges of water, the sun had raised the temperature to a scorching 100 degrees– or so it felt to him. He had abandoned his backpack to conserve energy.

What is that? he narrowed his eyes and looked straight ahead, A river! he started towards it but stopped, Remember, the desert will play tricks with you. Keep true and you’ll find the Cave.

Kaiser shook his head and wrapped the cloak over his head to protect it from overheating under the sun. Walked slowly towards the center, Am I going to die? he wondered.

The wind gained speed and hurled sand in his eyes, I don’t know the first thing about this desert. he pushed himself further towards the center.

The sun was at its Zenith when Kaiser saw something in the distance, What is that? A black spot in the sea of golden sand. I’m going crazy.

The black spot grew closer as he continued to walk towards the center, That must be the cave. he thought, No, Kaiser. he steeled himself, Your mind is playing tricks on you.

Staying true, he walked towards the center. The skin on his sole had melted and each step he took, sent incredible pain through his body. The pain was unbearable, but it was the only thing that kept him from succumbing to the deadly heat.

The black spot had grown larger and more visible and Kaiser couldn’t deny it was indeed the mouth of the Cave the old man had told about. With a sigh of relief, Kaiser took the final few steps towards his destination, Soon, I’ll be the strongest.

Am I hallucinating? Kaiser couldn’t believe what he saw in the dim light that filtered through the Cave’s mouth. It can’t be. he was tired and dehydrated and his soles kept sending jolts of unbearable pain that kept him alive.

“Who is it?” a feeble voice echoed in the Cave.

Kaiser walked in closer, Are those Angels? he had heard stories about Angels, supernatural messengers of God with magnificent wings. It can’t be!

“Who are you?” Kaiser said, his voice rasped and he realized he was thirsty.

The Angels were pinned against the wall, their wings chopped off and their palms and legs nailed. A thin river of blood flowed from their feet and pooled into a chalice a few feet away, “Are you, Angels?” Kaiser asked.

One of the Angels sobbed and then went silent, “Yes,” another one spoke, “I’m Moarte the Angel of Death and this is my wife, Vianta the Angel of Life, please help us.”

Kaiser walked in their direction, “Why are you tied up?”

“I cannot say this.”

“Okay,” Kaiser shrugged and picked the Chalice of blood and touched it to his lips.

“Wait,” Moarte spoke, “Please don’t drink that.”

“Why?” Kaiser looked at him, “I’m thirsty and extremely hungry.”

“Please,” Vianta plead, “Please don’t drink.” she began sobbing. Kaiser shrugged and emptied the Chalice down.

Within a heartbeat, things inside him changed. He could see the colors in the dark, damp cave. He could hear the wind whispering and he smelled bacon that was being cooked somewhere in Erdenia.

“I feel different!” Kaiser knew there was only one way to find out so he closed his eyes and focused. Magic is all about willpower and imagination. If you can imagine it and have the will to make it happen, it’ll happen.

So Kaiser imagined a bolt of lightning that he had seen from his rooftop home when he was a child and willed it to come out of his fingertips.

“I’m finally a mage.” Kaiser jumped, his soles had healed and he felt powerful.

“Yes.” Vianta said with a broken heart, “Anyone who drinks our blood gets divine powers– magic.”

“So that is why the Consortium has tied you up here.” Kaiser scratched his chin. A dark thought bubbled in his mind and he picked up a knife that someone had dropped in the cave.

“So,” he walked up to the Angel couple, “Vianta, tell me something! Is it just your blood that is divine?”

Vianta could see Kaiser’s thought and her hollow eyes widened, “What are you doing?” Moarte tried to stop Kaiser but the nails in his limbs held him in place.

Kaiser glanced sideways, the world is brutal and the only way to survive is to be a savage. his master’s voice echoed in his mind as he slowly dug the knife in Vianta’s chest. Her eyes widened for a moment before her head lopped.

He stepped over to Moarte, “I’m going to eat your hearts and become the greatest and the last Mage of all Erdenia.”

“Please.” Moarte wept, “Please let me go and I’ll help you.”

“I’ve never needed anyone’s help,” Kaiser said with a grin on his face and stabbed Moarte.

This world is mine. he thought as he craved the fallen angels’ hearts