The Cave of Magic - Part 4

The war for Yerden had finally ended. Kaiser walked through the field of corpses with a tired face. “Please,” a man whimpered as Kaiser passed. His sword– Ruin was coated in blood and shit. Kaiser paused next to the man and crouched.

“Please what?” Kaiser asked with an evil grin. I’m Kaiser the Terrible.

“Please end this.” the man showed red hands and his spilled gut, “Please end this for me.”

“No!” Kaiser chuckled and continued to examine the battlefield. Finally, he thought to himself, After 5 years I’ve finally conquered the Seven Cities of Erdenia. he sighed raised Ruin.

After eating Vianta and Moarte’s hearts Kaiser returned to Erdenia with a singular goal, Conquer Erdenia’s Seven Cities. So he began a bloody campaign. The first to fall was Vizia.

Kaiser had pulled Ruin out of thin air and killed the two mages that defended the city walls. And without a fight, he commanded an army of two thousand and a city of ten thousand.

As the news of Vizia fell, the Consortium deployed recruits and veteran mages for Mirden’s defense, “Go away Kaiser,” a burly mage roared as Kaiser marched his soldiers towards Mirden, “Go away and we’ll let you rule Vizia. Go away and everything will be forgotten. Go away and you’ll not suffer the wrath of the Tower.”

“You speak too much,” Kaiser said shouting an arrow through the Mage’s mouth– killing him instantly. Mirden, Luzan, Azelborg, Kender, Vivenia had all laid their swords as Kaiser marched through Erdenia.

When he brought his army, now fifty thousand strong, he had expected Yerden, the greatest city of Erdenia to give up without a fight. But the battle for Yerden went on for 5 days.

All of them dead. Kaiser laughed. He had personally killed every mage of Yerden by slowly piercing shit covered Ruin through their hearts letting them bleed to death.

I’m Lord Kaiser, the Last Mage.

“Lord Kaiser,” a messenger ran up to him holding a message, “It is ready.” he nodded, chopping the messenger’s head off with Ruin and mounted his horse.

Kaiser had let his maids scrub him clean and allowed them to cover him with sweet fragrances, Not a single scar. he looked into the mirror as a beautiful maid wrapped his tunic, I conquered Erdenia without a single battle scar.

Once the maids dressed him up, Kaiser kissed them and walked out of the Chamber. His Honor Guard, a group of soldiers who had shown him loyalty during his campaign, led him through Yerden Palace.

“Burn all of this down,” Kaiser looked at the paintings of Yerden Royalty, “I’m the Emperor, I’m Erdenia.”

I’m invincible. Kaiser thought as His Honor Guard led him to the Throne Room.

“Lord Kaiser,” one of the Honor Guard knelt before him, “It is an honor to serve you.” Kaiser touched the man’s shoulders and the soldier flung the gold-plated door open.

On the other side, the Throne Room was filled with Erdenian Royalty seeking Kaiser’s favor and peasants who wanted to get a glimpse of their new King, I’m not just the King of Yerden, I’m the Emperor of Erdenia. he wore a scowl and commanded the room.

“We are here for Emperor Kaiser’s Coronation,” the priest said in a thunderous voice, “Lord Kaiser will you protect Yerden her laws and her people?”

“I will.” Kaiser smiled, I’m Kaiser the Invincible.

“Rise,” the priest bellowed, “King of Kender, Mirden, and Luzan, Lord of Vivenia and Azelborg, Vizier of Vizia, Conqueror of Yerden, Protector of Erdenia, Emperor Kaiser the Invincible.”

I’m God of Erdenia. he thought as he pulled Ruin out of thin air and pointed it towards the sky.